Painted Dog Conservation New Facebook Page!

The New Painted Dog Conservation Facebook Page

We have launched a new Facebook Page! On the 22nd of September 2021, our old Facebook Page disappeared on Facebook with almost 40000 followers. This was one of our main communication channels with our friends, well-wishers and supporters. We formally reported the incident to Facebook via their Help and Support centre to no avail. We also tried to find friends who may have friends at Facebook to help get attention on our matter but nothing materialised and the page remains inaccessible.

The First Post On Our New Facebook Page. Please Like and Follow Our New Facebook Page

So today we are announcing a new Painted Dog Conservation official Facebook page where we will be sharing all exciting and constant updates from the field, hoping one day Facebook will bring back our page and we will be able to merge the pages together.

Please like and follow and share the page. We are counting on your support to build yet another vibrant community for painted dogs!


End of Year Appeal: Help Us Match a US$50k Pledge


Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) - Third Quarter Project Update 2021